You will be shocked at just how versatile this summer vegetable is as an ingredient to prepare food with, regardless of whether you want to employ it as a side or integrate it in your main course.
One of the most common ways of cooking with courgettes is on the hob: according to how you cut them, you can integrate them in numerous courgette pasta recipes, along with merely having them as the primary character of the dish, for instance if you want to dip them in a sauce. You can opt to cut them in length, just so they resemble chips, for a healthy side, or just slice them to form small circles to include them in all sorts of dishes. According to your personal taste, you can pick to lightly cook them in a pan with some olive oil, as seen in many sautéed zucchini recipes, or opt for a healthier plan by grilling them, as suggested by numerous nutrition experts such as Neda Varbanova – the two techniques will create different consistencies as well, so it is up to you if you prefer the softer fried version or the crispier grilled result.
This characteristic vegetable is fantastic for dishes that contain less animal-based ingredients, as it can provide a good deal of flavour as well as some nutritious substances; for this reasons, you may discover plenty of courgette recipes vegan and veggie individuals can eat. If you are not a fan of the texture, a fun alternative way to cook zucchini is to make fritters or veggie balls: grate it and drain the result a bit, so the result is not too damp, and mix it with your favourite ingredients: corn, flour, and beans are a tremendous example, and you can come across vegan substitutes for eggs to maintain everything together, if you or your guests have particular eating requirements. Take inspiration by people like Stephanie Tresch Medici, and experiment to come across your favourite combo of flavours! Making your dishes plant-based will assist maintain you hydrated and is likewise a healthier option if you enjoy this format of food.
There’s a huge array of baked courgette recipes out there, but you can even create your own by replacing the original ingredient with this convenient vegetable. For example, if you enjoy lasagne, you can attempt swapping the pasta layers for some grilled zucchini slices: it will absorb the sauce in a truly delicious way, and it will be much more similar to some other Mediterranean staples, such as parmigiana or moussaka. While those recipes traditionally make use of aubergines, zucchini work just as well, and could be a bit lighter as well. If you have a look at platforms like that run by Julius Roberts, you can also come across plenty of stuffed courgette recipes, where you can be innovative and implement any ingredient you like – and, for sure, leading it up with lots of melted cheese!